07 Jul 2007

Featured Artist: sunsE

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Preview sunsE

Thiago A. Grzybowski a.k.a. sunsE is a 19-year old Brasil designer. Who’s speciality is vector based artwork. His work is just really amazing because of the attention to detail that he has put in it. And the amazing fresh colorusage that makes his work look really happy and peaceful and at the same time also really retro. We selected two artworks in the preview to demonstrate his amazing skills of choosing the perfect fresh colors together with a great image mix and his clean way of vectorizing faces. I love his portraits because of the really nice color use and the way he makes the face kind of looking glossy. sunsE’s style of artworks are in my opinion perfect for creating kick-ass posters and tshirts. Give him some love!

You can check him out on deviantART

written by Tim
A Belgian based graphic designer, who found his interest in electronic music back in 2007.

2 Responses to “Featured Artist: sunsE”

  1. Sushy says:

    Those works look great indeed.

  2. Thiago says:

    how I was fellin’ myself about it, i’ve got to say it again, thank you man, really appreciate! You rocks!

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