Half is a project started by Serge Batman and St. Two Lyon based minimal producers who decided to bundle their skills and experience to mix their sound into a new even more improved style, “maxinimal” like they describe it. Half is currently searching for a label. Which would really help to get their new Ep Hérisson onto the dancefloor. Now listen the the King, one of my favourite tracks of the new Ep. Streaming only this time guys, I respect these artists and support their search to a label! Give them some myspace love!
Half – King
I love it !!!!!!!!
j’adore, j’adore, cela donne envie de “se tremousser” sur le dancefloor !!
continuez les garçons ! c’est génial !
je suis fan !
sounds good
i like it alot!
something different then most of the stuff these days
Cool, c’est super, un peu de son à la “quality boom room”. Je suis toujours ce qu’il se passe du côté des “bouchons”, de plus ou moins loin, sans jamais être déçu. Changez rien.
Why isn’t got any link so you kan download?
read the post. They’re not allowed to spread it because of the label. You want it, you buy it!
i love it please send me the link please this jam will be so sick to dj