Thanks again for casting your votes. It seems I’ve still have a couple of tv shows to watch. But from my selection Family Guy won with Dexter on number 2 and Lost closing the top3. Time for a new interesting question for the PHASE02 reader.
The poll of this week is all about music again. I’m wondering what part of music people enjoy most. I mean what part of a track decides for you whether you like it more or less then another. I think personally it depends on what situtation you’re in or what music you’re listening too. But still I’d like you to go with your gut feeling on this one.
What part of (electronic) music do you enjoy most?
- Bassline (46%, 57 Votes)
- Synth (28%, 34 Votes)
- Drum Loop (14%, 17 Votes)
- Vocal (9%, 11 Votes)
- Sound Effect (3%, 4 Votes)
Total Voters: 123

I’m very curious for this one! Lets vote!