Archive for Design

02 Jun 2007


2 Comments Design

FREE.YOUR.MIND., is a new work that I recently added on my gallery @ DeviantArt.

New work

I found 2 super nice stock photos over at and I had no idea what to do with it. But when I started to draw a sketch with everything I could add and stuff I found out it could be pretty nice. So I started drawing sort off flowers and everything that fits with the theme. My brother Timic made the main photo look better and I added my draws. You can find the result here.
Soon viewable on the new portfolio!

I used Adobe Photoshop cs and Adobe Illustrator, No tablet -> mouse !
Thanks for all the support!

28 May 2007


1 Comment Design

Image by fabf & ewaldb has released his 5th artpack.

It is called “Converge”. This idea of this event was to have a series of collaborations, it prooved harder than we thought, but it’s great to see a lot of different styles to be brought together in a piece. You should check it out! These are really talented guys, who have a lot of potentiel to grow a lot bigger then they are already.
Event 5 : Converge

18 May 2007


2 Comments Design

Yes that’s true! You can get a Free print off my newest artwork!
How is this possible? Send me a mail named : Free PRINT ! and give me your email adress. I’ll send you the .PDF file off it and you can print it down!

mail adres:

Mine just got printed and they look so sexy ! Here is a little preview: