Hi everyone! I was at my work the other day and I was chatting with Nicolas from the Beatbouncers a new belgian electro duo with great ambition, motivation and of course… tunes! So I thought lets have an interview and share their music with you. And I have to say, it was really fun! Enjoy!
PHASE02: How did you guys meet?
Well, we both had this Noxa-profile, you know. Something like MySpace but then smaller. Anyway so we meet and started talking and it turned out our music taste is like 99% equal. So we were online friends and apart from our taste we also had this one ‘dream’ in common. Create our own music and get them dancing. So we decide to experiment and try some stuff and there was the spark! The spark that flame on the idea of starting our own project. And Beatbouncers was born!
PHASE02: Why “Beatbouncers”?
We were searching for something strong, something powerful. Our first idea was Beatmunchers, but that just didn’t sound right. Then somehow we came up with Beatbouncers and it just perfectly describes our music. We really love hard banging beats and we couldn’t find a word that describes our music (or the music that we still were going to make) better as with the word “bouncy”.
PHASE02: Bouncy? That’s pretty abstract. Can you try to describe the music you’re aiming for a little more?
We’re still in search for our own style. I mean we just started. We’re still in an experimental phase. But I can say we’re evolving in the ‘fidget’ direction. You know… Get people totally crazy, almost fainting by hearing our climax, hands going up and down … Completely LOSGEHEN!!! That’s how we see it. That’s what we’re aiming for!
PHASE02: Fidget House for the win! Influences?
In the first place I have to say Daft Punk of course. But the guys who really have an enormous influence on our music today are definitely the Crookers, Bloody Beetroots, Fake Blood and Sinden. Add a little of Kelevra, Lee Mortimer and Don Rimini and you get an awesome mix of what Beatbouncers is at the moment.
PHASE02: Wow?! You have the balls the call yourself a mix of Don & Lee. No waving hands and moving feet but spontaneous ejac*lation I would call it.
We’ll make sure enough Kleenex will be available!
PHASE02: Haha, okay I swear I would have left out the sexual colored comment, considering our last interview with Dead Disco Drivers that went the same direction, till you came up with that brilliant suggestion!
PHASE02: Are you guys in search for a label?
As you’ve noticed it all started as an experiment and having fun etc…But after the extemely positive reactions of Shake Ya Shimmy we decided to start taking it more seriously. And indeed we’re in search for a label for in the future and of course new gigs are always welcome. We already applied for the new Basserk Cd!
PHASE02: Good luck with that! I was wondering … I recently designed you guys a poster/flyer/ticket for the F*ck The Klishé party with Proxy, Sound Of Stereo, Geht’s Noch? and Beatbouncers on the line-up. Is that also a project of Beatbouncers or something completely different?
That’s a different project. But I might quit F*ck The Klishé since Beatbouncers is getting more seriously and also taking more spare time.
PHASE02: I see but you’re playing there anyway. And with all these incredible nice names … Any idea to warm up the crowd yet?
We definitely going to try our own tracks on them. But Mostly of our set is improvised. But we have to admit we always love to add some oldskool hiphop or rave in our set.
PHASE02: Nice. I’ll be there and I’m pretty curious and definitely looking forward! Anything more you’d like to add?
To avoid sticky liquids in your pants, go get your kleenex before the gig starts!
Didn’t see that one coming!
Special thanks to Jef and Nicalos aka Beatbouncers for having this nice little interview with me.
Make sure you check out their tracks and if you have the chance you should come to F*ck The Klishé – 26/09/08 with Proxy, Sound Of Stereo, Geht’s Noch? ft Lektravaganza and of course Beatbouncers.
Beatbouncers – Shake Ya Shimmy
Beatbouncers – Bust A New Jam