It’s time of the year where Sinterklaas, a holy man looking like these fellas in the picture, travels around West-Europe and give the sweet kids the nicest gifts. Well I feel like playing Sinterklaas and give my dear readers some candy tunes from some young upcoming talents who try to get their names out there.
We start of with good chap of the Netherlands called Quarantehuit who’s been making really nice electro. You might know him from his Chemical Brothers remix Hey Boy, Hey Girl. Anyway he told me he’s back in a producing mood so make sure you keep an eye on him.
[audio:/1208/Quarantehuit - Aurora beam.mp3]
Quarantehuit – Aurora Beam
The next tune is one from really amazing artists from Germany. They originaly made rock music but swapped their guitars for synths and a computer. I’m talking about ULTRNX who’ve been kind to share their kick-ass remix of GRUM’s masterpiece Woah.
[audio:/1208/Grum - Woah_ULTRNX Remix.mp3]
Grum – Woah (ULTRNX Remix)
The next up is Egotronic with a magic combination of synths and bass. Don’t need to say more, just check it out, you’ll know what I mean. They don’t need more then 20secs to make you love this track. Although you really have to love this style to dig it.
Egotronic – Es muß stets hell für Gottes Auge sein
Again time for a very tasty remix! This time by these really talented and incredibly unknown young Disco Wizards from Scotland. Their name says it all. And check this out – they’ve remixed The Beach Boys! Now you’re thinking “Oh no again some stupid kids who fucked up a classic with their computer”. Actually yeah, that’s what happened. But I kind of like it and it caught my attention and I checked out their myspace and they’ve got some really nice tunes up there (FREE!) – and what the f*ck they’ve only got 94 friends. So go up there and give them some really hardcore cyberlove!
[audio:/1208/The Beach Boys - I Get Around (Disco Wizards Remix).mp3]
The Beach Boys – I Get Around (Disco Wizards Remix)
The end with with we have this brave guy called mrRobotnik who dared to remix MSTRKFT. And to be honest he did a quite good job. I think he could have done a better job on the new melody. It starts annoying me a little to fast. But there’s just now way you can beat the original.
[audio:/1208/Street Justice (mrRobotnik Remix).mp3]
MSTRKRFT – Street Justice (mrRobotnik Remix)
For those who live near Bruges: We’re playing Saturday night 23u-01u @ a party in Zedelgem.