Archive for Announcements

03 Nov 2008


2 Comments Announcements, Design

Hi, I’m proud to announce our personal online portfolio. Yes, my brother and I finally managed to put our personal flash based website together. It’s simple but it works and easy to show of our work to potential clients.

Go check it out and see what we can do apart from posting nice banging electro tunes.

21 Jul 2008

PHASE02 New Skin

7 Comments Announcements

Dear bloggers, I’m so glad to present you the new PHASE02 skin. I hope you like it and if not you will definitely like some new tracks and interviews coming up! We’re back… not only with fresh new colors but we’re recharged, extra motivated to bring you new tracks and interviews with a great young talented artists.

Our goal is to help new upcoming talents to get their names outthere. The blog scene is so important for new starting electronic music producers/DJs these days. And we’re going to our best to help them as good as possible with this blog. So you bloggers are so important for us and of course even more important for the artists in the music or design scene.

Also we’re still very interested in the graphic design world since we’re designers ourselfs. So that’s still gonna be a our secondary subject to talk about.

There still gonna be some small updates with our categories and some style bugs. But we’re more then ready now!

Stay tuned guys! Great posts coming up!

24 Jun 2008


5 Comments Announcements

Listen up! has been announced in the BBC RADIO 1′s show In New DJs We Trust. Kissy Sell Out apparently played the number one aUtOdiDakT in the Metallic Remix competition of ONEMOREDISCO! Yea that’s pretty important! Because it seems that they thought this crazy competition was launched by us and it’s not! We’re just helping our dear friend Sam Baker from OneMoreDisco to spread the word. Although Kissy is right! This is what we like to see on the blogs. Motivate all the kick ass young talented producers to compete in contests like this!!! Crazy new tracks were created and the competitors have been given the chance to get their names out there!

Well… we just wanted to set this right! OneMoreDisco rocks and this lovely idea came out the head of Sam who’s really doing great with his blog. Give him some love!!!

But anyway, they called us a “lovely blog” … What do you think? And okay, this competition maybe wasn’t our idea this time, but it definitely motivated us to wind up these kind of initiatives in the future.

Here’s a little secret to end this post with. We have crazy plans for PHASE02 coming up!!! All I can say is, different colors will reach your eyes when browsing our blog … but that’s just a small part of our plans. Stay tuned and once again. Respect Kissy! Respect OneMoreDisco! Respect remix Competitions!

Here’s the audio fragment from the show:
*For those who hear this fragment extremely fast -> LISTEN HERE

“I found out a lovely blog,!

05 Apr 2008


1 Comment Announcements


First of all, I want to apolagize for the downtime we’ve experienced because our domain got suspended. The happend after we went over our webspace limit for too long. It’s been fixed temporary, but we’re upgrading phase02′s webspace in a few days so everything will work smoothly again. If you want to help us with upgrading and keeping phase02 alive, just click the ads once in a while that might help a little.

Anyway, it’s time to get back posting some fresh new stuff! Stay tuned!