16 Apr 2009

Kate Perry vs Owl Vision

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Owl Vision has released a new remix. This time he used his magic on Kate Perry’s hit I Kissed A Girl. You wan to blow up a party, this is the right tune to do it. I’m defenitely gonna try it. Beware Kate Perry fans this might be shocking.

[audio:/0409/Katy Perry - I Kissed A Girl (Owl Vision Remix).mp3]
Kate Perry – I Kissed A Girl (Owl Vision Remix)

written by Tim
A Belgian based graphic designer, who found his interest in electronic music back in 2007.
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6 Responses to “Kate Perry vs Owl Vision”

  1. mariaaaa says:

    \:D/ \:D/ danceeeeee

  2. Evan says:

    I like Owl Vision’s stuff but the mastering on all of it is so flat. It has no kick. :(

  3. timic says:

    no kick? What you talking about?

  4. Udy says:

    I think he means that everything is pumped so loud that the drums almost disappear under the intensity of the bass sound. I see where he’s coming from. I find it great to listen to but an absolute nightmare to get into my sets.

  5. timic says:

    yeah I see what you mean. Thanks for your comment man! ;)

  6. alanah willmott says:

    heyyy bruuu,
    How are ya.. Love ya singing/

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